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how to check for processor or graphic card error ?

Started by existonz09, August 15, 2008, 08:50:13 PM

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i have had my x1000 compaq for about 4 years and have upgraded my hdd(60 -> 80 -> 100gb) and ram ( 512 mb ->  512 + 1gb) since then..  i had no problems playing old games in max settings but recently i am getting lagg spikes after about 10-15mins in game.. there is a possibiity of heating problem wid either the cpu(1.6ghz centrino) or the graphic card (radeon 9200 64mb dedicated)  but i am not sure which one is givin the problem since i need both is dependent on each other for performance.
i even tried using programs such as Notbook Hardware Control to decrease and increase the CPU clock 500MHZ - 1600MHZ and also
the graphic card's core and memory clock up and down but i get errors and no response sometimes..  how do i check if one of those components has degraded ?  i have also reinstalled my win xp pro SP2 two times (deleted old partition and added new one as well) and i still get the same error...  event viewer shows up nothing as well.. virus is totally out of the question as i have the latest nod 32 updates.. also tried online scanners as well.. so it has to be a hardware problem.... also tried DXDIAG video tests all came positive...  any suggestions ?