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Messages - sudistes


I have some issues :

Sometimes, when I boot the laptop (use Win XP SP 2) my screen resolution is bad caus in control panel / system I have an exclamation point on AGP resources are insuffisant to turn on the AGP driver...

If I turno of all external materials (I have a PCMCIA wifi card) and turn of bluetooth/wifi module, check there's nothing on usb, and reboot, that works...

any idea???

The worst issue is with my touchpad, when windows XP starts, that works and when the boot is finished, my touchpad is crazy, impossible to move the cursor or with a lot of difficulties

Any ideas???

Sometimes, my laptop is really stuck : no touchpad, all programs stucks. Before, when I pushed the power button during 5 sec, it always turned off, now, nothing happens, I must remove the battery to switch off.

But when I remove the batery, it's impossible to switch on the laptop during a while (2h, sometimes more, sometimes less)

Any ideas ???

thanks a lot !!!
Upgrades and Accessories / Upgrades on NX7000
August 30, 2007, 01:46:14 AM

I have a NX7000 HD 40 GO, RAM 1,2 Go, original CPU centrino 1.4 GHz.

I would like to know if its possible to updrade :
-CPU : I saw "dan" put a 1,6 Ghz but it is possible to put more? if yes, how much?
-HDD : I would like to know how it is possible to put? 160 Go, more?
