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Messages - hydroponik

General / Re: Windows 7 on nx7010 (x1000)
February 13, 2010, 10:32:05 AM
Currently I have the 30204 (compaq) driver set installed.

When trying to manually upgrade to the driver set you posted from the HP site, it says "Windows has determined that the driver software for your device is up to date".

If I uninstall the 30204 (compaq) driver set, windows reverts to the Standard VGA Adapter.  If I then try to install your drivers from the HP site, it doesn't detect and just says the VGA adapter is up to date.

I really want to get this working in W7, but if I can't sleep or hibernate, it becomes pretty useless.  Is there anyway I can get either the HP or Asus drivers installed?

For reference, I have the X1000, which may be slightly different from the nx7000.
General / Re: Windows 7 on nx7010 (x1000)
December 26, 2009, 12:17:29 PM
It seems I can only manually install the 30204 driver set on my X1000 which does not allow the pc to sleep or hibernate. 

If I do not install the 30204 set first, and I try to update to either the asus or the hp drivers, it just says the Standard VGA adapter is up to date.

If I install the 30204 set, then try to manually update to one of the newer drivers, it says the 9200 mobility is up to date.

Not sure what else I can do at this point to get sleep/hibernate working properly.
General / Re: Windows 7 on nx7010 (x1000)
December 11, 2009, 06:20:21 PM
Ok here are my issues with W7 now.

1)  Trying to manually update the drivers using the Asus one from Mr Cin does not work, however I am able to manually update using the (older) compaq drivers.  I now have the native resolution but with the sleep/hibernate issues.  Since then, I have tried further updating to the Asus, but windows is telling me I already have the most up to date.  Is there a way to get this installed?

2)  I also noticed that the old intel chipset drivers do not work in windows 7.  I tried downloading a newer set but that doesn't work either.  Are you guys even installing a chipset driver?

3)  I believe since no chipset drivers were installed, I have a unknown device.  The location is "Intel 82801DBM LPC Interface Controller - 24CC".  Anyone know what this is and how to fix?
General / Re: Windows 7 on nx7010 (x1000)
September 26, 2009, 03:36:22 PM
I was planning on installing W7 as well, but are you saying there aren't any display drivers that will work?  I have the 16x10 screen, and if were stuck at a lower resolution, it would totally kill any desire to run W7.
Drivers / Re: Driver List
April 23, 2007, 06:36:33 PM
Do you have a full list of drivers that need to be installed after reinstalling windows clean?  The drivers page on the hp site says it doesn't support the current language or something like that.

Looks like missing sounds, infrared, lan and modem?

BTW, thanks for bringing these forums back.